
Eric Wallace and CCSA’s Leslie Elder Talk Community Solar in the Mid-Atlantic Eric Wallace recently hosted Leslie Elder, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Director of the Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA), for the November Edition of the GreeneHurlocker Tuesday 10@10 series to discuss the growth of community...

Click here to register for our Tuesdays 10@10. CCSA’s Leslie Elder To Discuss Community Solar in the Mid-Atlantic Please join us as Eric Wallace, counsel at GreeneHurlocker and a member of the energy law team, welcomes Leslie Elder, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director for the Coalition for Community Solar...

Partner Jared Burden awarded the inaugural GreeneHurlocker Emerging Business Award at Shenandoah Valley Technology Council's virtual event, Tech Nite, held October 7, to Sproutly LLC.   The GreeneHurlocker Emerging Business Award is given annually to a Shenandoah Valley emerging technology company or entrepreneur that's already operating at...