
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="519" class="zemanta-img"] Photo of the Virginia State Capitol. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] Virginia energy lawyers Eric Hurlocker and Blair Wortham have been keeping up with a multitude of legislative actions during the just completed 2015 Virginia General Assembly.  Here is a brief look at...

On Friday February 20th, the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) issued a procedural schedule to review Dominion Virginia Power’s application seeking SCC approval to construct a 20 MW solar electric generating facility in Fauquier County, Virginia.  In addition to seeking approval to construct the facility,...

In restructured energy markets,consumer protection regulations are being hotly contested. Many of these markets are in the northeast, and suppliers and customers in them are subject to key rules under which suppliers must operate  when marketing their products and enrolling customers. Public service commissions in Maryland, Delaware and...

Last week, Dominion Virginia Power filed a petition for a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) for a 20 megawatt (MW) solar project.  The company claims that this project would be Virginia’s first large scale, utility solar...

Customers in 80% of the country’s 50 largest cities would save money if they installed rooftop solar on their homes instead of buying all their electric power from local utilities. That’s from the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center’s Going Solar in America, a 27-page report...