
D.C. Public Service Commission Changes Filing Requirements for Retail Electricity Supplier Semi-Annual Fuel Mix and Air Emissions Reports Licensed retail electricity suppliers are generally required to report the fuel mix and air emissions of the energy they supply. Suppliers often have questions about the technical...

In exciting news for the renewable energy industry, last Friday Congress passed (and the President signed) the $1.15 trillion federal spending bill that continued tax credits for renewable energy development. We consider these credits a powerful and useful incentive to continue the country’s momentum toward...

Dominion Virginia Power “Dominion” plans to solicit its second round of bids for a 12-megawatt offshore wind farm off the coast of Virginia after rejecting an earlier proposal that was too costly.  As proposed, the wind facility will consist of two 6-megawatt wind turbines in...

In October and November, 2015, the Delaware Commission (Commission) and the Division of Public Advocate (DPA) held two workshops for stakeholders to discuss ways to enhance the visibility of and improve participation in customer choice for electricity products and services.  The group also examined what,...

In early October, 2015, the Maryland Public Service Commission approved for publication in the Maryland Register revised consumer protection rules applicable to the marketing and sale of electricity and natural gas by licensed retail suppliers. The Commission’s approval comes after more than a year of...

This is the theme of the MDV-SEIA’s Solar Focus 2015, which is just a month away. We’re attending the conference at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel from November 16-17. In fact, we’re sponsors! This is the East Coast’s premier Solar Policy Conference and there are pretty...

On October 30, 2015, the Virginia State Corporation Commission (the “SCC”) issued an Order for Notice and Hearing (the “Order”) in response to Dominion Virginia Power’s (“Dominion”) application for approval and certificates of public convenience and necessity to construct and operate three utility scale solar electric generating facilities...

The Virginia State Corporation Commission (the “SCC”) issued a Final Order on October 20, 2015 (the “Order”) denying Dominion Virginia Power’s (“Dominion”) application to construct and operate a 20 megawatt utility-scale solar electric generating facility near the town of Remington in Fauquier County, Virginia (the...

On October 5, 2015, the Richmond Times Dispatch included an article on the ongoing debate between utilities and renewable energy advocates as to how Virginia will comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new Clean Power Plan.  The Clean Power Plan obligates states to...