
On February 28th 2017, the Virginia Renewable Energy Alliance will host its first Leadership in Energy Advancement and Development (LEAD) series forum of 2017 in partnership with Roanoke College, in Salem, Virginia. We'll be there and hope you'll consider attending, too. Details here. Eric Hurlocker will...

The Delaware Public Service Commission has approved new Electric Supplier Rules for final publication in the April 1, 2017 edition of the Delaware Register. The rules will become effective April 11, 2017. The new rules replace Delaware’s existing Electric Supplier Rules and introduce numerous provisions that...

On Wednesday, February 1, the Virginia State Corporation Commission approved an application filed by Dominion Virginia Power to construct and operate a 20 MW solar generating facility near the town of Remington, in Fauquier County. Virginia. Dominion will sell the output of the facility to...

Earlier this week, we were excited to see the news that Sigora Solar and Virginia Community Capital (VCC)  have partnered to provide a low interest financing option for Virginia companies wanting to install and use solar electricity generation assets in their businesses. This announcement comes...

We're big on advocating the expansion of development and use of renewable energy sources in Virginia and, as members of the Maryland-DC-Virginia Solar Energy Industry Association (MDV-SEIA), we show up on Clean Energy Lobby Day. CELD is an annual advocacy day which allows legislators and...

We saw the recent news that Dominion Virginia Power’s Isle of Wight solar array project delivered on time. The Woodland Solar development (19 MW) becomes one of the largest of its kind in the state. In December, Dominion brought three projects on line, including Woodland. [caption id="attachment_2498" align="alignright"...

As the 2017 Regular Session of the Virginia General Assembly heats up, we are keeping a close eye on legislation that could support the development of additional solar energy in the Commonwealth. As  noted in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, there is significant regulatory uncertainty in Virginia...