Author: Eric Wallace

Virginia Commission unanimously rejects utility “Green Tariff” proposal, representing major victory for renewable energy advocates On September 14, 2017, the Virginia State Corporation Commission entered a final order rejecting a renewable energy tariff proposal (“Green Tariff”) filed by Appalachian Power Company, finding that the tariff rates were...

Proposals Would Drive Up Costs for Competitive Retail Energy Suppliers and their Customers Good news for Maryland’s competitive energy suppliers and their customers. In the past few weeks, the Maryland Public Service Commission issued two Letter Orders rejecting requests by BGE, Pepco, and Delmarva Power to include in the Purchase...

On Wednesday, June 21, a Virginia State Corporation Commission (“Commission”) Hearing Examiner issued a report recommending denial of a renewable energy tariff (“Green Tariff”) filed by Appalachian Power Company (“APCo”). If accepted by the full Commission, the Hearing Examiner’s findings would be a victory for...

On May 11th, the Maryland Public Service Commission approved two offshore wind projects, totaling 380 megawatts of wind capacity. Development of these offshore wind facilities is expected to create almost 9,700 new jobs. In the introduction to the order approving the projects, the Commission explains...

Eric Wallace explains what's driving the increase in interest and use for community solar energy generating facilities in mid-Atlantic jurisdictions such as Maryland and the District of Columbia. For more information about community solar projects and regulation, contact Eric or any of our mid-Atlantic energy...

GreeneHurlocker lawyers attended the 35th Annual National Regulatory Conference on May 18-19, 2017, in Williamsburg, Virginia. GreeneHurlocker attorney Eric Wallace  served on the conference planning committee for the past several months. This year’s agenda featured excellent speakers lined up to discuss important issues affecting utility regulation,...

The Maryland Public Service Commission’s Public Conference 44 proceeding is now well underway. The purpose of this proceeding is for the Commission to seek input on the best ways to transform Maryland’s electric distribution system, advancing customer-centered, affordable, reliable, and environmentally-sustainable electric service. Stakeholder workgroups...

Commission Sets date for hearing on reasonableness of new renewable energy tariff proposal On April 28, 2016, Appalachian Power Company filed an application with the Virginia State Corporation Commission asking for approval of a voluntary tariff that the Company says would allow customers to purchase “electric energy...

The proposed regulations for Maryland's Community Solar Pilot Program were published in the Maryland Register on April 29, 2016.  Here is a link to the Community Solar Pilot Program rules as published. Under the proposed rules, customers that subscribe to a community solar energy generating...