regulated market Tag

Victoria Linney Howell has joined our Richmond office as an Associate in the energy and regulatory law practices, co-managing member Brian Greene announced today.   “Victoria will be an essential member of our team, ensuring we meet our clients’ high expectations and providing advice on litigation, regulatory,...

The Maryland Public Service Commission issued a Notice of Opportunity to Comment seeking comments on a new “Retail Supplier Load Shaping RFP.” The Commission want to consider “programs designed to demonstrate the ability to shape residential load profiles using innovative business models.” Comments on the RFP, a...

Maryland’s Community Solar Pilot Program is moving along with dozens of solar facilities in the project queues for Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Pepco MD, Delmarva Power MD, and Potomac Edison Company. The first year of the program has seen strong interest from the Subscriber Organizations that develop and manage the...

The Delaware Public Service Commission has established a March 8, 2018 hearing date to consider retail choice enhancements. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="272" class="zemanta-img"] The Delaware General Assembly meets in the Legislative Hall in Dover. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] The enhancements include a purchase of receivables program; “seamless moves”...

The Delaware Public Service Commission has approved new Electric Supplier Rules for final publication in the April 1, 2017 edition of the Delaware Register. The rules will become effective April 11, 2017. The new rules replace Delaware’s existing Electric Supplier Rules and introduce numerous provisions that...

Breaking news February 2, 2017! The Maryland Senate, minutes ago, voted to override the Governor's veto of SB 921 and HB 1106, the Clean Energy Jobs Act. The bill page has likely not been updated yet, but you can see the vote count here (32-13). The...

(Originally posted at Last week, we introduced Part 1 of our two-part discussion about the importance of retail electricity and natural gas suppliers complying with state laws. We focused on requirements in the contract, the contract summary, certain required disclosures, and so forth. This week,...

(Originally posted at If you’re a retail electricity or natural gas supplier and you think no one will ever file a complaint against you, or that no state commission will ever ring you up with a show cause order – just stop it now. While...

The Delaware Commission on November 1, 2016, approved for publication and comment new consumer protection rules that largely resemble the rules that were published in October and which we blogged about here.  We expect the newly-approved rules to appear in the December 1, 2016 Delaware...