Maryland Tag

After about 18 months of weekly working group meetings and 5 days of rulemaking hearings, the Maryland Commission has approved for publication new rules governing supplier consolidated billing (SCB). In May 2019, the Commission entered an Order granting a petition filed by six retail energy suppliers to...

Click here to register for our Tuesdays 10@10. I'm pleased to tell you that Michael J. Healy, CEO of New Columbia Solar, will be our guest on our August 11th edition of our new Zoom broadcast series “Tuesdays 10@10”.   Those who stopped in for our inaugural edition...

The Maryland Public Service Commission issued a Notice of Opportunity to Comment seeking comments on a new “Retail Supplier Load Shaping RFP.” The Commission want to consider “programs designed to demonstrate the ability to shape residential load profiles using innovative business models.” Comments on the RFP, a...

The Maryland Public Service Commission issued an order on January 14, 2019, approving Electric Vehicle (“EV”) Portfolio Programs for Maryland’s electric distribution utilities. The EV Portfolio Programs aim to increase EV usage in Maryland by expanding EV tariff options, furthering utility investment in EV charging...

Maryland’s Community Solar Pilot Program is moving along with dozens of solar facilities in the project queues for Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Pepco MD, Delmarva Power MD, and Potomac Edison Company. The first year of the program has seen strong interest from the Subscriber Organizations that develop and manage the...

The Delaware Public Service Commission has approved new Electric Supplier Rules for final publication in the April 1, 2017 edition of the Delaware Register. The rules will become effective April 11, 2017. The new rules replace Delaware’s existing Electric Supplier Rules and introduce numerous provisions that...

In September, 2016, the Maryland Public Service Commission issued a Notice of Public Conference (Notice), initiating a “targeted” review of Maryland’s electric distribution systems to ensure that they are customer-centered, affordable, reliable and environmentally sustainable. The proceeding builds on recent technical conferences involving barriers to...

The proposed regulations for Maryland's Community Solar Pilot Program were published in the Maryland Register on April 29, 2016.  Here is a link to the Community Solar Pilot Program rules as published. Under the proposed rules, customers that subscribe to a community solar energy generating...

On February 10, 2016, the Maryland Public Service Commission approved revised consumer protection regulations governing the retail sale of electricity and natural gas. The revised rules include several substantive changes relating to how retail suppliers operate in Maryland. The changes involve additional up-front pricing disclosures...

In early October, 2015, the Maryland Public Service Commission approved for publication in the Maryland Register revised consumer protection rules applicable to the marketing and sale of electricity and natural gas by licensed retail suppliers. The Commission’s approval comes after more than a year of...