monokristalline Solarzelle

monokristalline Solarzelle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Richmond Community Solar Co-Op announced it will hold its next public information session on December 17, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Glen Allen Library located at 10501 Staples Mill Rd, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060.

The Co-Op consists of a group of community members in the Richmond, Virginia area who formed a co-op in order to purchase solar systems together to save money and share knowledge of the process, all while building a community of solar energy supporters.  The Co-Op uses a competitive bidding process to choose a solar company to install the solar systems on each of the Co-Op’s members’ homes.  While each Co-Op member executes its own contract with the solar company, each member shares in the total discount (up to 20%) off the cost of the solar system.

You can learn more about the Co-Op here: If you have any questions about solar energy regulations, development, installation contratcts or other renewable energy matters, please contact one of our Virginia energy lawyers.


Brian Greene
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