…. and here it is — my post from the plane! We were delayed 45 minutes thanks to a ginormous storm in Chicago, but now all is well. Other than some yucky United chicken teriyaki and some nasty vegetarian ramen noodles for Avi, all is well. So not only can you blog from 32,000 feet up, but on www.flightstats.com, you can see where the plane is. You can get this info on the TV at your seat, But you can’t cut-and-paste from your TV into a blog post like this:
C’mon. That’s cool stuff.
Avi and I are about to watch a movie and then devour our snack bag. I could binge-watch the 6th season of Game of Thrones, which I have never seen, but maybe I’ll save that for later.
When we arrive in Tokyo, we bus to Saitama where we’ll don our glorious white collared RLL/Saitama cotton collared golf shirts that I swear don’t itch at all, and meet our host families. Excited to meet my family, who has been to Richmond and knows many of our RLL familes already. Avi’s family and Ruth and have been emailing, which is really nice and makes everyone feel better about the trip. So it’s like we’re friends already and we haven’t really met yet.
Next post, from Japan!
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