Author: Brian Greene

[caption id="attachment_20363" align="alignleft" width="300"] image from Charlottesville Tomorrow[/caption] On April 30, 2021, the Virginia Commission issued two orders – one for Dominion and one for Appalachian Power Company – that laid out the annual framework by which each utility will demonstrate compliance with the Virginia Clean...

After about 18 months of weekly working group meetings and 5 days of rulemaking hearings, the Maryland Commission has approved for publication new rules governing supplier consolidated billing (SCB). In May 2019, the Commission entered an Order granting a petition filed by six retail energy suppliers to...

In a Final Order granting a declaratory judgment petition field by Constellation NewEnergy, the Virginia State Corporation Commission held that: (1) electricity generated by a pumped storage hydroelectricity facility is “renewable energy” under Section 56-576 the Code of Virginia; and (2) the revised definition of...